Thursday, 16 October 2014

Taking a break

The Unlesson Manifesto is taking a break until the new year. There may be odd posts and links to other excellent sites so do please keep returning. We deeply value your interest in our writings and ramblings and we hope there is currently enough material here to keep you busy making defences for less prescribed pedagogies. Keep learning, keep teaching, keep reflecting and keep challenging the neoliberal educational agenda. Keep making a difference. 

As Deleuze & Guattari say:

'Always follow the rhizome by rupture; lengthen, prolong, and relay the line of flight; make it vary, until you have produced the most abstract and tortuous of lines of dimensions and broken directions. Conjugate deterritorialized flows. Follow the plants: you start by delimiting a first line consisting of circles of convergence around successive singularities; then you see whether inside that line new circles of convergence establish themselves, with new points located outside the limits and in other directions. Write, form a rhizome, increase your territory by deterritorialization, extend the line of flight to the point where it becomes an abstract machine covering the entire plane of consistency'

Here's to 2015.